10 research outputs found

    Abordagem de avaliação de desempenho de Unidades Básicas de Saúde : BEP-UBS

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    Orientadora: Prof.ª Dr.ª Adriana de Paula Lacerda SantosTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil. Defesa : Curitiba, 11/07/2023Inclui referências: p. 170-190Área de concentração: Ambiente Construído e GestãoResumo: Estabelecimentos assistenciais de saúde (EASs) são edificações que prestam assistência à saúde à população. Devido a sua multidisciplinaridade, porte e especificidade, os EASs se enquadram entre as edificações mais complexas arquitetonicamente. Além disso, é necessário considerar a relação entre o ocupante e a edificação, sendo que muitos desses podem estar em situação de vulnerabilidade. Nesse contexto, as Building Performance Evaluations (BPEs), avaliações de desempenho de edificações, destacam-se visto que edifícios com melhor desempenho tendem a ser melhores locais de cura para seus pacientes e de trabalho para a equipe. Assim, o objetivo da presente pesquisa foi desenvolver uma abordagem de BPE aplicado à Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBSs), que são a porta de entrada do sistema de saúde brasileiro. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o design science research (DSR), que fundamenta e operacionaliza a condução de pesquisas com objetivos orientados a solução de problemas. A elaboração da abordagem de avaliação de UBSs iniciou com a identificação dos itens avaliados em documentos já publicados, por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura (RSL), que englobou 83 artigos, assim como o estudo de documentos do governo, normas, publicações acadêmicas, e acreditações hospitalares. Dessa forma, foi gerada uma proposta inicial de abordagem com 6 dimensões, 27 critérios e 233 subcritérios. Essa proposta foi validada, por meio da técnica Delphi, com 18 especialistas multidisciplinares das áreas da saúde, engenharia e arquitetura. Chegou-se então à abordagem validada com 6 dimensões, 25 critérios e 201 subcritérios. As dimensões são: Técnica - questões construtivas; Física - questões do espaço; Conforto e Saúde; Organizacional - funcionamento do EAS; Ambiental; e, Questões Econômicas e Sociais. A abordagem englobou a elaboração de um instrumento para a condução das avaliações com o levantamento dos requisitos para a verificação da situação do desempenho de cada subcritério. Em seguida, foi localizado um município com interesse em participar na pesquisa e que indicou quatro UBSs, sendo cada uma de um porte, para serem avaliadas. Após teste piloto, o instrumento foi aplicado nas quatro unidades selecionadas chegando-se aos resultados. A abordagem contou ainda com a obtenção de uma nota geral das UBSs. Para isso, foram aplicados questionários de forma a quantificar o grau de importância das dimensões, critérios e subcritérios gerando um fator de ponderação geral normalizado que foi aplicado a cada subcritério e quando somados indicavam a nota final da edificação. Assim, foi possível verificar questões individuais de cada UBS além de questões que deveriam ser aprimoradas para todas as unidades. Como resultados, foram notadas melhorias no processo de projeto das unidades mais novas. Apesar disso, três das unidades apresentaram desempenhos classificados como prata e apenas uma alcançou o nível ouro. Como conclusão, a abordagem mostra a rastreabilidade de seus itens com instrumento de condução completo e aplicável; possibilita adaptações para adição de requisitos; permite aplicação modularizada em suas dimensões; e, por fim, permite que o desempenho seja traduzido em uma nota para a edificação, auxiliando no acompanhamento e na tomada de decisões pelos gestores.Abstract: Healthcare establishments (EASs) are buildings that provide healthcare to the population. Due to their multidisciplinarity, size and specificity, EASs are among the most architecturally complex buildings. In addition, it is necessary to consider the relationship between the occupant and the building, as many of these may be in a vulnerable situation. In this context, Building Performance Evaluations (BPEs) stands out as buildings with better performance tend to be better healing places for their patients and work for the staff. Thus, the objective of the present research was to develop a BPE approach applied to Basic Health Units (UBSs), which are the gateway to the Brazilian healthcare system. The research method used was the design science research (DSR), which supports and operationalizes the conduction of research with objectives oriented to problem solving. The elaboration of the EAS evaluation approach began with the identification of the items evaluated in previously published documents, through a systematic literature review (SLR), which encompassed 83 papers, as well as the study of government documents, standards, academic publications, and hospital accreditations. Thus, an initial proposal for an approach with 6 dimensions, 27 criteria and 233 sub-criteria was generated. This proposal was calibrated using the Delphi technique with 18 multidisciplinary specialists of health, engineering, and architecture areas. This resulted in a validated approach with 6 dimensions, 25 criteria and 201 sub-criteria. The dimensions are: Technical - constructive questions; Physical - space issues; Comfort and Health; Organizational - functioning of the EAS; Environmental; and Economic and Social issues. The approach then encompassed the development of an instrument to conduct the evaluations with the survey of the requirements for verifying the situation of the performance of each sub-criterion. Then, a municipality interested in participating in the research was located, which indicated four UBSs, each of a different size, to be evaluated. First, a pilot study was carried out, and then, the instrument was applied in the four selected units, obtaining their results. The approach also included obtaining a general EAS score. For this stage, questionnaires were applied to quantify the degree of importance of the dimensions, criteria, and sub-criteria, generating a normalized general weighting factor that was applied to each sub-criteria and when added together indicated the final score of the building. As a result, it was possible to verify questions that should be improved for all units and individual questions for each UBS. Improvements were noticed in the design process of the newer units. Despite this, three of the units presented performances classified as silver and only one reached the gold level. In conclusion, the approach showed the traceability of its items; complete and applicable assessment instrument that allows adaptations to add requirements according to updates of standards; allows its modularized application in its dimensions; and finally, it allows performance to be translated into a building score, assisting in monitoring and decision-making by managers

    The use of BIM for the assessment of building performance: a systematic literature review

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    The use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in the investigation of building performance was evaluated through a Systematic Literature Review (RSL). The aim was to establish a connection between BIM and the performance of buildings, their search and evaluation. Two electronic databases were used (Science Direct and Scopus), and journals and conferences articles written in english were included. The RSL resulted in the inclusion of 79 articles used in the construction of the BIM – performance panorama. Publications from 2006 to 2017 that discussed the use of BIM tools and models and the performance of buildings were found, and, according to the bibliometric analysis, the subject has been growing since 2014. Through the reading of the articles, it was noticed that there were four main approaches in which BIM tools were used in the analysis of performance characteristics of buildings: a group of publications used BIM tools in conjunction with performance simulations; other articles discussed the interoperability of BIM tools and simulation tools; a third group sought to integrate BIM with sensor data; and the last identified group discussed the integration of BIM tools with sustainable building classification systems. The four approaches were discussed which showed that the BIM is being used in the search for a better performance of the buildings and in the investigation of the real performance of the buildings. The first approach had more than half of the identified publications. It was not possible to identify a predominant simulation tool, either globally or by type of performance simulation. On the other hand, the most widely used BIM tool, regardless of publication proposal, was Autodesk Revit.O objetivo do presente estudo é estabelecer uma conexão entre o BIM e o desempenho das edificações, sua busca e sua avaliação, por meio de uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (RSL). Foram utilizadas duas bases de dados eletrônicas (Science Direct e Scopus), e foram incluídos artigos de periódicos e congressos escritos em inglês. A RSL resultou na inclusão de 79 artigos, publicados de 2006 a 2017, usados na construção do panorama BIM – desempenho. De acordo com a análise bibliométrica, o assunto em discussão vem crescendo desde 2014. Por meio da leitura dos artigos percebeu-se que existem quatro abordagens principais em que o BIM foi usado na análise de características do desempenho das edificações: um grupo de publicações utilizou as ferramentas BIM em conjunto com as ferramentas de simulações de desempenho; outros artigos discutiram sobre a interoperabilidade de ferramentas BIM e ferramentas de simulação; um terceiro grupo buscou integrar o BIM com dados de sensores; e o último grupo identificado discutiu a integração de ferramentas BIM com sistemas de classificação de construção sustentável. As quatro abordagens foram discutidas o que mostrou que o BIM está sendo usado na busca por um melhor desempenho das edificações e também na investigação do desempenho real das edificações. A primeira abordagem contou com mais da metade das publicações identificadas. Não foi possível identificar uma ferramenta de simulação predominante, seja globalmente seja por tipo de simulação de desempenho. Por outro lado, a ferramenta BIM mais utilizada, independentemente da proposta da publicação, foi a Autodesk Revit

    Avaliação de desempenho em edificação de interesse social em Light Wood Frame : estudo de caso na região metropolitana de Curitiba com avaliação pré-ocupação do desempenho térmico, acústico, lumínico e qualidade do ar

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    Orientadora: Prof.ª Dr.ª Adriana de Paula Lacerda SantosDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Construção Civil. Defesa : Curitiba, 29/03/2019Inclui referências: p. 134-144Resumo: As edificações light wood frame (LWF) fazem parte do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV) sendo uma alternativa para a diminuição do déficit habitacional urbano nacional. Nesse contexto, as avaliações de desempenho das edificações são importantes para verificar se sistemas de construção inovadores, como o LWF, atendem os requisitos mínimos de desempenho estipulados em normas e também difundir esse método de construção. Assim, o objetivo desta dissertação foi avaliar o desempenho de uma edificação de interesse social do PMCMV, construída em LWF, na fase de pré-ocupação. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi um estudo de caso único no qual a unidade de análise foi um apartamento. Visou-se assim verificar se o desempenho térmico, acústico, lumínico e da qualidade do ar avaliado está de acordo com o estabelecido na norma de desempenho vigente no país e também com os documentos referentes a construção LWF. Os métodos de avaliação utilizados foram as medições in loco e as simulações de desempenho. O desempenho térmico foi dividido em temperatura interna e variação térmica. O primeiro atendeu os requisitos da norma de desempenho tanto na avaliação in loco quanto nas simulações. O segundo não é previsto em norma tendo sido avaliado graficamente. O conforto acústico foi avaliado por meio de medições físicas e atendeu os valores de desempenho mínimo quando as medições ocorreram com as janelas fechadas. A iluminação natural foi avaliada por meio de medições in loco e simulação de desempenho, conforme previsto na NBR 15575-1. Esse item atendeu a norma tanto na avaliação in loco quanto na simulação. Por fim, foi estudada a qualidade do ar, dividida em circulação do ar e umidade do ar. A circulação do ar foi avaliada por meio de análise do projeto, previsto na NBR 15575-4, e atendeu o mínimo necessário. Foi proposto avaliar a umidade do ar por meio da carta climática. Esse estudo resultou na verificação de que a umidade na unidade de análise estava adequada, traduzida pela indicação da zona bioclimática de conforto. Como considerações finais, foi discutida a importância do desenvolvimento de um protocolo de coleta de dados a fim de guiar o processo tanto de medições in loco como de simulações de desempenho. Por fim, também foi ressaltada a relevância de uma avaliação de desempenho global e contínua da edificação com a finalidade tanto de estudar a situação real do desempenho da edificação quanto as possibilidades de sua melhoria. Palavras-chave: Avaliação de desempenho das edificações. Light wood frame. Medições in loco. Simulação de desempenho. NBR 15575.Abstract: Light wood frame (LWF) buildings are part of the My House My Life Program (PMCMV), an alternative to reduce the national urban housing deficit. In this context, buildings performance evaluations are important to verify that innovative building systems, such as LWF, meet the minimum performance requirements stipulated in standards and also disseminate this construction method. Thus, the objective of this dissertation was to evaluate the performance of a PMCMV social interest building, built in LWF, in the pre-occupation phase. The research method used was a single case study in which the unit of analysis was an apartment. The aim was to verify if the thermal, acoustic, light and air quality performance evaluated is in accordance with the current performance standard in the country and also with the documents referring to the LWF construction. The evaluation methods used were on-site measurements and performance simulations. The thermal performance was divided into internal temperature and thermal variation. The first one met the requirements of the performance standard both in on-site evaluation and in simulations. The second is not foreseen in standard and has been evaluated graphically. The acoustic comfort was evaluated through physical measurements and met the minimum performance values when the measurements occurred with the windows closed. Natural lighting was evaluated by in situ measurements and performance simulation, as provided in ABNT NBR 15575-1. This item met the requirements of the performance standard both in onsite evaluation and in simulations. Finally, air quality was studied, divided into air circulation and air humidity. Air circulation was assessed through project analysis, foreseen in ABNT NBR 15575-4, and met the minimum required. It was proposed to evaluate the humidity of the air through the climatic chart. This study resulted in the verification that the humidity in the analysis unit was adequate, translated by the indication of the bioclimatic zone of comfort. As final considerations, it was discussed the importance of developing a data collection protocol to guide the process of both on-site measurements and performance simulations. Finally, the relevance of a global and continuous performance evaluation of the building was also emphasized with the purpose of both studying the actual situation of the building performance and the possibilities of its improvement. Keywords: Building performance evaluation. Light wood frame. On-site measurements. Performance simulation. ABNT NBR 15575

    Performance evaluation in healthcare buildings: a systematic literature review

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    Healthcare buildings are complex as their occupants may have different health conditions. In this context, building performance evaluations can help to achieve better performance perceived by occupants. Thus, this paper has developed a systematic literature review (SLR) on performance evaluation in healthcare buildings to understand their intrinsic characteristics, in addition to developing an overview of the subject. The objective was to identify the purpose of the evaluations, the criteria evaluated, the evaluation methods, the type of healthcare facilities evaluated, as well as the temporal and spatial distribution of papers. The research was conducted using three electronic databases, and eighty-three papers were examined according to the 5W1H tool. As a result, the buildings assessed covered health services at all stages of life, physical and mental issues. Six groups of criteria were identified, highlighting: spatial, lighting, acoustic comfort, energy issues, and the materials and finishes used. Moreover, relationships were established between the types of buildings, evaluated criteria, and tools used. Finally, the SLR collaborated with the understanding of performance in healthcare buildings, identified that these buildings are being evaluated, contributing to the health, well-being, and satisfaction of occupants as buildings that perform better tend to be better places of healing and work.Healthcare buildings are complex as their occupants may have different health conditions. In this context, building performance evaluations can help to achieve better performance perceived by occupants. Thus, this paper has developed a systematic literature review (SLR) on performance evaluation in healthcare buildings to understand their intrinsic characteristics, in addition to developing an overview of the subject. The objective was to identify the purpose of the evaluations, the criteria evaluated, the evaluation methods, the type of healthcare facilities evaluated, as well as the temporal and spatial distribution of papers. The research was conducted using three electronic databases, and eighty-three papers were examined according to the 5W1H tool. As a result, the buildings assessed covered health services at all stages of life, physical and mental issues. Six groups of criteria were identified, highlighting: spatial, lighting, acoustic comfort, energy issues, and the materials and finishes used. Moreover, relationships were established between the types of buildings, evaluated criteria, and tools used. Finally, the SLR collaborated with the understanding of performance in healthcare buildings, identified that these buildings are being evaluated, contributing to the health, well-being, and satisfaction of occupants as buildings that perform better tend to be better places of healing and work

    Performance evaluation in healthcare buildings: a systematic literature review

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    Healthcare buildings are complex as their occupants may have different health conditions. In this context, building performance evaluations can help to achieve better performance perceived by occupants. Thus, this paper has developed a systematic literature review (SLR) on performance evaluation in healthcare buildings to understand their intrinsic characteristics, in addition to developing an overview of the subject. The objective was to identify the purpose of the evaluations, the criteria evaluated, the evaluation methods, the type of healthcare facilities evaluated, as well as the temporal and spatial distribution of papers. The research was conducted using three electronic databases, and eighty-three papers were examined according to the 5W1H tool. As a result, the buildings assessed covered health services at all stages of life, physical and mental issues. Six groups of criteria were identified, highlighting: spatial, lighting, acoustic comfort, energy issues, and the materials and finishes used. Moreover, relationships were established between the types of buildings, evaluated criteria, and tools used. Finally, the SLR collaborated with the understanding of performance in healthcare buildings, identified that these buildings are being evaluated, contributing to the health, well-being, and satisfaction of occupants as buildings that perform better tend to be better places of healing and work.Healthcare buildings are complex as their occupants may have different health conditions. In this context, building performance evaluations can help to achieve better performance perceived by occupants. Thus, this paper has developed a systematic literature review (SLR) on performance evaluation in healthcare buildings to understand their intrinsic characteristics, in addition to developing an overview of the subject. The objective was to identify the purpose of the evaluations, the criteria evaluated, the evaluation methods, the type of healthcare facilities evaluated, as well as the temporal and spatial distribution of papers. The research was conducted using three electronic databases, and eighty-three papers were examined according to the 5W1H tool. As a result, the buildings assessed covered health services at all stages of life, physical and mental issues. Six groups of criteria were identified, highlighting: spatial, lighting, acoustic comfort, energy issues, and the materials and finishes used. Moreover, relationships were established between the types of buildings, evaluated criteria, and tools used. Finally, the SLR collaborated with the understanding of performance in healthcare buildings, identified that these buildings are being evaluated, contributing to the health, well-being, and satisfaction of occupants as buildings that perform better tend to be better places of healing and work

    Evaluation method for building performance in Light Wood Frame in Brazil

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    Light wood frame (LWF) is a construction system considered innovative in Latin American countries, which has been used as a strategy to mitigate housing deficits. Since this construction system is new in these countries, a rigorous assessment of their manufacturing, construction and use is essential. Thus, this research aims to develop a method to evaluate the performance of LWF buildings in Brazil to help builders optimise the construction system in the country. The study made use of the literature to identify valuable criteria for a building performance evaluation using qualitative tools, such as questionnaires and the Delphi technique, to select specific criteria for the LWF system. Finally, statistic tools, criteria groups and weights were generated. As a result, the study established a framework with 5 dimensions, 19 criteria and 41 sub-criteria, thus understanding which the most important criteria are to be evaluated during the LWF building performance evaluation. Finally, the criteria with the highest scores refer to structural durability, maintenance, sealing and control of thermal, acoustic, visual and air quality comfort

    Application of MEPLWF: method performance evaluation of the Light Wood Frame construction system

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    One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) set out in this agenda, objective 11 is related to the search for more sustainable cities and communities. This study wishes to contribute in this effort, presenting a method application to evaluate the performance of light wood frame buildings in Brazil. The structure of the method used, named MEPLWF, is based on five dimensions, which involve criteria and sub-criteria that analyse technical, social, environmental and economic requirements to evaluate buildings. It allows the examination of the operating results of buildings and the discovery of performance-related problems. The proposed method was applied in a real case study in southern Brazil, during the pre-occupation phase of the building. As a result, the performance identified in the building was 94%, which is a high performance. The application of the method in this case study diagnosed points that should be reviewed by the construction company, such as items related to fire protection and safety, flexibility and adaptability of the building system, environmental plan, energy efficiency and Costs

    Application of MEPLWF: method performance evaluation of the Light Wood Frame construction system

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    One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) set out in this agenda, objective 11 is related to the search for more sustainable cities and communities. This study wishes to contribute in this effort, presenting a method application to evaluate the performance of light wood frame buildings in Brazil. The structure of the method used, named MEPLWF, is based on five dimensions, which involve criteria and sub-criteria that analyse technical, social, environmental and economic requirements to evaluate buildings. It allows the examination of the operating results of buildings and the discovery of performance-related problems. The proposed method was applied in a real case study in southern Brazil, during the pre-occupation phase of the building. As a result, the performance identified in the building was 94%, which is a high performance. The application of the method in this case study diagnosed points that should be reviewed by the construction company, such as items related to fire protection and safety, flexibility and adaptability of the building system, environmental plan, energy efficiency and Costs

    Evaluation method for building performance in Light Wood Frame in Brazil

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    Light wood frame (LWF) is a construction system considered innovative in Latin American countries, which has been used as a strategy to mitigate housing deficits. Since this construction system is new in these countries, a rigorous assessment of their manufacturing, construction and use is essential. Thus, this research aims to develop a method to evaluate the performance of LWF buildings in Brazil to help builders optimise the construction system in the country. The study made use of the literature to identify valuable criteria for a building performance evaluation using qualitative tools, such as questionnaires and the Delphi technique, to select specific criteria for the LWF system. Finally, statistic tools, criteria groups and weights were generated. As a result, the study established a framework with 5 dimensions, 19 criteria and 41 sub-criteria, thus understanding which the most important criteria are to be evaluated during the LWF building performance evaluation. Finally, the criteria with the highest scores refer to structural durability, maintenance, sealing and control of thermal, acoustic, visual and air quality comfort